Oh Baby!

 BabyFetus Ticker

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Alicia's Milk & Cookies Baby Shower

We had five different flavors of cookies (if I remember them all lol) and they were so good! I just put them in the glass jars I keep my flour and sugar in and cut two 3 inch strips of cute scrapbook paper and wrapped it around the bottoms of the outside of the jars (so they wouldn't get greasy). Double sided tape worked great for this.

I got this fabric from Joann's. It worked great! Trader Joe's has the flower bunches for $3.99, got two of those. We used mason jars for cups and the ones we used had cute blackboard cut outs, so we put chalk out on the table and people could write their names on their cups. I also found cute labels for the waters that matched the theme of the shower.

Thank goodness for Cricut machines! It was so helpful for this.

This beverage container I got from Sam's Club for $20, and it worked great. It has an ice holder on the inside to keep your drinks cool but not watery. It worked great for this. I also have chocolate and strawberry Nesquik powder to stir in.

The cranberry orange shortbread cookies were THE BEST!

I saw this idea while I was looking on Pinterest and I thought it was so cute, so it became the theme of the baby shower I threw for my sister-in-law. It turned out great and was so fun. For the favors I made cute to-go bags and everyone got to take home some cookies.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Baby Shower Throwin'

I am throwing a baby shower for my sister-in-law Alicia this Saturday. This is the first baby shower I have thrown for any one all on my own, and it has been so fun planning and kind of crazy. The theme is Milk & Cookies, we're going to have a milk and cookies bar to go along with the theme, and a bunch of cute pink and brown stuff. I will post pictures on here once I am done with the shower!

Other than that I haven't been up to a whole lot. I am finally feeling SO MUCH BETTER. It is fantastic not being sick every day, I really appreciate being healthy and "normal" now that I am. Once this shower is over, then what will I do? Hmm.. one thing at a time.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

February 13, 2012 Pics

So I had my second ultrasound on February 13, 2012 and it was so awesome! I loved it. My Dr. rescheduled a 2nd ultrasound because when I went in the first time I ended up only being 7 weeks so I went back at 9 so we could see more. I couldn't believe how big the baby got in just 2 weeks! I could see the head, the legs and an eye ball. The best part though was that it was WIGGLING! I loved it, it just wiggled all around, it was so fun to see. The Dr. said everything looks great and said this little troublemaker is why I've been so sick. At least I know it is worth it in the end, even though it is completely miserable. I know I complain a lot about being sick, but MAN is it horrible.

Yesterday was a really bad day, I couldn't keep anything down and I was just so sick. Those days are the worst because they just drag on forever and there is nothing that can bring me relief. When Joe got home from work he gave me flowers which I loved and he also gave me a really nice card, which I loved more. He also gave me Jamba Juice gift cards, so extremely thoughtful especially since smoothies are one of the few things that still sound good to me. I got Joe a bunch of snacks to replenish his "snack drawer" that he has next to the bed, he is a snack monster. Those were the only highlights of my day yesterday, lol. Oh well.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Baby's First Pictures

We went in for our first ultrasound on Jan. 31 and it was SO COOL. We got to see and hear the baby's heart beat, which was very neat and reassuring. My Dr. said that I am a week behind what we originally thought, so I am 8 weeks...again. I didn't realize how big of a bummer it was going backwards until I started throwing my guts up everyday and then I was mad that I got an extra week tacked on to my time. Oh well, what can you do.

I wish morning sickness was obligated to stay only between the time you wake up and like 11:00am, that would be fantastic. I am sick all day long. I may have a good hour here and there throughout the day, too bad it's never when Joe is home. I'm pretty sure he will do a happy dance when I am not sick anymore, because I am just no fun like this. But I hear that is pretty common so I don't feel too bad about it.

Today is actually a pretty good day so far. I haven't gotten sick yet, which is fantastic, and I don't feel nauseous yet. It's GREAT. I keep thinking I should go to the gym or go run errands, but then I'm afraid this just won't last and I really don't want to throw up in public, that sounds miserable and embarrassing. So we'll see, I'm still debating on how to spend my "good" day, besides blogging.

Joe had a dream the other night that we had a boy. I had a dream the other day that we had a boy. So will it be a boy?? Can't wait to find out!!

Friday, January 13, 2012


You guessed it... we're having a baby! We're so excited. I am currently just under 6 weeks, so still pretty early, but I have a big family with big mouths, so I don't think this is going to stay quiet for much longer. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em right? So I decided to post it on my blog.

I do realize that no one reads my blog regularly because I post like 3 times a year lol so this is still pretty safe. One day someone will randomly get on and read and BAM here is the post and the baby ticker at the top of the page.

I have my first Dr's appointment on January 31 at 11:00 and I AM SO EXCITED. I tried to convince them to make my appointment sooner but they said no. :( It was worth a try though. The good news is that when I go, they'll do an ultrasound. So I guess I can be content waiting for another 2+ weeks, even if the suspense is killing me.

According to thebump.com, my due date is September 11, 2012.... I'm really hoping nothing happens on that day. NOTHING. Being due in September means I will be big and preggers when it is SUPER hot in Southern California, not ideal. We're talking about summers that typically get over 100 degrees. I mean, if this winter is any indication of how our summer will be I will be living in the pool. Last week it got up to 80 degrees. Yikes!

As much as I'm not looking forward to being ginormous in the hottest time of the year, I am really excited that I'll be having the baby a month before my brother Jake gets home from his mission. He'll be getting home in October from his mission in New York and I'm so happy he'll get to see the baby while it's still, well a baby. :)

2012 is going to be an awesome year. It is going to be life changing...literally, and I am so excited. I know everything will work out the way it is supposed to and I am so grateful for the blessings that will be coming (and already have come) this year.