Oh Baby!

 BabyFetus Ticker

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

August 2, 2010- MOVING IN

This mess drove Joe crazy! Everyday he'd come home from work and clean stuff and put it away. He was a great help!

Funny story. Wrapped up in those pink tablecloths is our brand new comforter that we decided to wash before putting it on our bed. Well, our washing machine is really really small, and Joe really had to pack this thing in there to get it washed. We were about the leave the house when I realized I smelled smoke, I turned around and there was black smoke coming from the washing machine. We ran over there and stopped the machine but then realized that we could see a fire right under the dryer. Joe got his drill and started unscrewing the front of the dryer while I ran outside to Joe's truck and brought in the fire extinguisher. After all of our fire fighting efforts we realized that was only the pilot light for the dryer, luckily we hadn't put it out. Apparently there is a flame that gets shot into this funnel in our dryer to heat it, who knew? Good news, our washer still works, we just don't wash our comforter in it. :) Shh... don't tell Roger! ;)

We are trying to get moved in. Thank goodness it doesn't still look like this! This mess drove us crazy, but I guess that's what happens when you're moving, unpacking, and opening presents all at once.

August 2, 2010- Our first meal in our new home: Alfredo... eaten with teaspoons and tablespoons on our towel table cloth. We realized that the one thing we didn't get for a wedding present- SILVERWARE. We had to improvise.