Oh Baby!

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Friday, February 10, 2012

Baby's First Pictures

We went in for our first ultrasound on Jan. 31 and it was SO COOL. We got to see and hear the baby's heart beat, which was very neat and reassuring. My Dr. said that I am a week behind what we originally thought, so I am 8 weeks...again. I didn't realize how big of a bummer it was going backwards until I started throwing my guts up everyday and then I was mad that I got an extra week tacked on to my time. Oh well, what can you do.

I wish morning sickness was obligated to stay only between the time you wake up and like 11:00am, that would be fantastic. I am sick all day long. I may have a good hour here and there throughout the day, too bad it's never when Joe is home. I'm pretty sure he will do a happy dance when I am not sick anymore, because I am just no fun like this. But I hear that is pretty common so I don't feel too bad about it.

Today is actually a pretty good day so far. I haven't gotten sick yet, which is fantastic, and I don't feel nauseous yet. It's GREAT. I keep thinking I should go to the gym or go run errands, but then I'm afraid this just won't last and I really don't want to throw up in public, that sounds miserable and embarrassing. So we'll see, I'm still debating on how to spend my "good" day, besides blogging.

Joe had a dream the other night that we had a boy. I had a dream the other day that we had a boy. So will it be a boy?? Can't wait to find out!!

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